The TAMU SRP External Advisory Committee (EAC) is comprised of eight high-credentialed scientists that assists the Director, Associate Director, and the Scientific Steering Committee with an independent and unbiased evaluation of our research progress and informs us of additional opportunities and new initiatives that can be of value to the Center. The EAC meets annually in College Station, TX, to review the progress and future directions of the Center. Below is a list of our current EAC members.
**Primary reviewers are underlined**
David Eaton, Ph.D. Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost Emeritus, and Professor Emeritus, Environmental & Occupation Health Sciences at the University of Washington (Seattle, WA)
Dr. Eaton received his Ph.D. in pharmacology from the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) in 1978. Following a post-doctoral fellowship in Toxicology at KUM C, he joined the faculty of the University of Washington in 1979. He served as Toxicology Program Director in the Department of Environmental Health from 1983-90, then as Associate Chairman of the Department from 1990-92, as Associate Dean for Research in the School of Public Health from 1999-2005, and Associate Vice Provost for Research from 2005-2013. He served as Dean and Vice Provost of the Graduate School at the University of Washington from 2013-18. He continues his academic appointment as Professor Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, and Public Health Genetics. He served as the founding director of the Center for Ecogenetics & Environmental Health, an NIEHS Core Center of Excellence, from 1995 to 2013. Nationally, he has served on the Board of Directors and as Treasurer of the American Board of Toxicology (1990-94), and as President of the Society of Toxicology (2001-02). He has also served on the Board of Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (1996-99), as a member of the Board of Directors and Vice-President of the Toxicology Education Foundation, and on the Board of Trustees of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences. He is an Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Academy of Toxicological Sciences. In 2011 he was elected to the National Academy of Medicine, and to the Washington State Academy of Sciences. He has published over 200 scientific articles and book chapters in the fields of toxicology and risk assessment.
Oversight :
- Committee Chair
- Project 4
- Administrative Core
- Project 3
- Training Core
Lesa Aylward, PhD
Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Queensland. Principal, Summit Toxicology LLP, Falls Church, VA
Dr. Aylward has more than 25 years of experience in chemical risk assessment and hazard communication. She specializes in applying pharmacokinetic modeling and data in the assessment of toxicology, exposure, and risk, including the interpretation of biomonitoring data for assessing human health risks from a variety of chemicals, and has published extensively in these areas. Dr. Aylward is an active member of the International Society of Exposure Science, the Society of Toxicology (Biological Modeling and Risk Assessment Specialty Sections), and the Society for Risk Analysis.
- Project 2
- Exposure Science Core
- Project 1
- Decision Science Core
Senior Health Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Austin, TX
Dr. Craft’s expertise is in toxicology, focusing specifically on reducing gas emissions. She has worked to reduce emission especially around port areas and environmental justice communities. She leads EDF strategy in designing and initiating clean air measures, as well as in developing standards to measure environmental performance. Her efforts have led to the creation of clean truck programs in Houston and other ports. She advocates for policies that increase energy efficiency, reduce exposure to toxic materials, and improve human health.
- Project 3
- Project 2
- Project 4
- Community Engagement Core
Michael Honeycutt, PhD
Director, Toxicology Division, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Austin, TX
Dr. Honeycutt has managed the division of 14 toxicologists at TCEQ since 2003. His oversight responsibilities include health effects reviews of air permit applications, the review of the results of ambient air monitoring projects, and the reviews of risk assessments for hazardous waste sites. His division is part of the State of Texas emergency response operations plan and is responsible for assessing the risks of environmental contamination.
- Data Science Core
- Training Core
- Decision Science Core
- Administrative Core
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Donald E. Bently Professor of Engineering; Professor, Occupational and Environmental Health; Faculty Research Engineer, IIHR – Hydroscience & Engineering; Researcher, Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research; Faculty Member, Human Toxicology Graduate Program; Project and Core Leader, Iowa Superfund Research Program. University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Dr. Hornbuckle is an expert on the fate and transport of organic contaminants in the environment. Her research is focused on field studies supported by state-of-the-art analytical methods and chemical transport modeling. She plays a key role in the University of Iowa Superfund Research Program where she leads Project 4, which includes large-scale air sampling networks. She also directs the Analytical Core in the University of Iowa Superfund Research Program.
- Project 1
- Project 2
- Training Core
- Exposure Science Core
Vice President and Principal Environmental Engineer. GSI Environmental Inc., Houston, TX
Mr. Paquette has more than 20 years of professional experience in the fields of site investigation, remedy evaluation and selection, environmental forensics, remediation system design and costing, human health and ecological risk assessment, and environmental fate and transport. He has designed, managed, and conducted site investigation and remediation activities at various types of facilities under applicable state, federal, and international regulations and guidelines, including for sites around Galveston Bay/Houston Ship Channel.
- Decision Science Core
- Project 1
- Research Translation Core
- Administrative Core
Kathleen Raffaele, PhD
Sr. Science Advisor, Policy Analysis and Regulatory Management Staff, Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM), U.S. EPA, Washington, DC
Dr. Raffaele’s scientific expertise is in the area of neuro- toxicology and developmental neuro-toxicology, human health risk assessment, and science policy. In addition to serving as the Senior Science Advisor for the EPA Office of Land and Emergency Management (which houses EPA Superfund, Brownfields, Underground Storage Tanks, and Emergency Management), she chairs the Human Health Oversight Committee of the U.S. EPA Risk Assessment Forum.
- Research Translation Core
- Project 4
- Data Science Core
- Community Engagement Core
Steve Ramsey, MPH
Project Manager, Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., Durham, NC
Mr. Ramsey has wealth of experience in the areas of preparedness, disaster response, and public health research. Under an NIEHS Clinical Research Support Services contract, he is leading the development of protocols for rapid collection of environmental, health, and exposure data in response to environmental disasters. For the Gulf Long-term Follow-up Study, he managed field operations in 5 states. He has fielded data collection following Katrina, Wilma, Floyd, and Charley, the Iowa City Flood (2008), and the H1N1 pandemic (2009).
- Community Engagement Core
- Data Science Core
- Exposure Science Core
- Research Translation Core