Plan Ahead, Be Prepared
Mon., Feb. 10, 2020 • 10am–2pm • Texas A&M’s Kyle Field Plaza • College Station, Texas
Join us for this free event and learn how to protect your home,
keep your pets safe, assemble your first aid kit, and plan your evacuation routes!
The goal of this event is to provide the community with valuable information and tools that will increase disaster preparedness awareness, especially about hazards related to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, fires, tornados, and earthquakes.
In addition to the Superfund Research Center, participating organizations from Texas A&M include the Geochemical & Environmental Research Group, the Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, the Health Science Center, the Office of Safety & Security, the campus chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals, the Texas Water Resources Institute, and the Veterinary Emergency Team.
Participating organizations from the community and the state include the American Red Cross, Baylor Scott & White Health, the Brazos County Health District Emergency Preparedness, the Brazos Valley Citizen Corps/Community Emergency Response Team, Brazos Fellowship, the National Weather Service, Brookshire Brothers & Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy, Catholic Charities of Central Texas, the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Texas Military Department’s 6th Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team, the Texas Division of Emergency Management, the United Way of the Brazos Valley/2-1-1 Texas, and the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Save a Life. Give Blood.
The Texas A&M Superfund Research Center is teaming up with the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center to host a blood drive during “Plan Ahead, Be Prepared” from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Register online or call Kelly Hardin at 832.212.2799 to set up an appointment.
» Download: 2020 Boy Scout Disaster Preparedness Information
Information provided by:
Greg Johnston | Volunteer Fireman; Chair, Disaster Preparedness & Response Committee;
& Executive Board Member for the Boy Scouts of America, Capitol Area Council